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About Us

Movie Stream productions will create, produce, and distribute high quality first run movies for Home Theater streaming through For independent producers, it will distribute high quality first run movies for Home Theater streaming through It is a market driven organization.

Market niche: The target market is new premium content for home theater streaming. We will not largely compete with Hollywood blockbuster style movies in theaters or TV programs in broadcast, although some overlap is likely. Impact on other movie streaming services is not expected to be minimal.

Distribution technology: Commercial CDN networks using well proven technology.

Production pay scale: (Respectable business) SAG or AFTRA, "New Media" (planned to be ~Low Budget+, but open to undiscovered talent).

Primary business: Create, produce, and distribute high quality first run movies for Home Theater quality streaming on any streaming capable device, and secondary markets.

Secondary business: Stream independent productions with high quality standards.

Tertiary businesses: Various. Includes test marketing of high quality movies to inform distribution choices.

Investors: Investor queries for the first movie, to be produced and streamed in mid-2011, are welcome. ROI is expected to be 30% in 8 months. You must provide proof of being an active investor to obtain a movie prospectus or other business information. Prospectus availability: June - July.

Our Contacts

Please contact us through our secure contact form.

Management Team.

Membership Terms of Use Agreement.